What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative Justice is about communication

Restorative Justice (or RJ) is a system of criminal justice that brings those harmed by crime and those responsible for the harm into communication with each other, enabling everyone affected by a particular incident to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward.

Restorative Justice is provided in Merseyside by the PCC, Emily Spurrell, because research shows that Restorative Justice reduces reoffending and helps to reduce harm in our community. It covers the whole of the Merseyside area.

Restorative Justice offers victims an opportunity to be heard, to ask questions of the offender, and to have their say in the resolution of the harm caused.

Restorative Justice has a proven, significant impact in supporting victims in achieving closure and allowing them to move on with their lives. 85% of victims who have participated in Restorative Justice would recommend it to others.

For offenders, Restorative Justice provides an opportunity to face the consequences of their actions, recognising the impact that their offending behaviour has had upon others and, where possible, make amends.

In this way, Restorative Justice has the potential to help rehabilitate offenders and support them in addressing their offending behaviour. It has the potential to motivate them to change and become responsible, law abiding and productive members of society.

Contact details for referrals

You can refer to Restorative Justice Service for Merseyside by contacting the following:

Tel: 07377 800254 / 07572 540054
Email: rjmerseyside@restorativesolutions.org.uk.cjsm.net

Click here to download the External Agency Referral Form

Referral criteria

  • Offenders 18 and over (young offenders will come under the YOT)
  • Victims over the age of 18
  • Any offence type (please note that Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence or Non-Recent Child Sexual Abuse cases must be victim led)
  • A connection to the Merseyside area by either Victim address, offender address or offence location
  • No time restrictions (the case can be recent or decades old)
  • If a case is going through court we may wait until it has come to a conclusion

Talk to our Restorative Justice service team in confidence

Email Us

Or call us on 07377 800254

Case Studies

A burglary case in Merseyside

John burgled Lucy’s home when she was outside hanging out her washing. When she came inside, she found him standing in her property. She describe...

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Lydia's Story: Sexual Assault

Lydia was referred to the Restorative Justice service by her Victim Liaison Officer. She was the victim of a prolonged sexual assault at her home 1...

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Street Robbery

Ellis was a long term substance user, who was encouraged by an acquaintance – Mikel - to grab the handbag of a woman they saw in passing.  A...

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Street Robbery

Jemma was referred to Restorative Solutions by Victim Services in July 2019.  She had been the victim of a robbery.  The offender – Ale...

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What People Say About Restorative Justice

The restorative justice process has made me really think about the consequences of my actions.

John, offender

Restorative Justice has really helped. It has given me closure, and I feel much more positive.

Lucy, burglary victim

Now we can get on with our lives without the burden of what happened grinding us down.

Abuse victim

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