What Are Restorative Justice Services Recording?

Posted on: 13th, April 2023

Restorative Solutions recently contributed to a peer-reviewed, academic article about Restorative Service providers, titled ‘What Are Restorative Justice Services Recording? Qualitative Analysis of Six Restorative Justice Reporting Templates for Offices of the Police and Crime Commissioner in England’. 

Our contribution 

Researched and written by PhD researcher Benjamin Fisk, the work outlines the investigation and findings of a documentary analysis of six Police and Crime Commissioner RJ reporting templates. Through our work with the All-Party Parliamentary Group, and in agreement with a number of our commissioners, Restorative Solutions provided information used in the analysis. 

Praise for Restorative Solutions 

The author praised the services involved for our transparency; “It is a testament to any service that is willing to be transparent and open its processes up to analysis and potential scrutiny by an outside party. For that… these services should be applauded.”

He went on to highlight the complexity of Restorative Justice, “The templates themselves are singular documents which touch upon the vast amount of important work undertaken by practitioners and cannot capture the rich, transformative, and emotional detail of restorative work, nor that of those tasked with compiling these templates.”

Read the article 

If you’d like to read the full article, it’s open and free for anyone to access or download, via this link

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What People Say About Restorative Justice

The restorative justice process has made me really think about the consequences of my actions.

John, offender

Restorative Justice has really helped. It has given me closure, and I feel much more positive.

Lucy, burglary victim

Now we can get on with our lives without the burden of what happened grinding us down.

Abuse victim

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