Privacy Notice

Restorative Solutions CIC is committed to protecting the privacy of people who visit this website.

Information we collect

If you visit this website we will collect the individual identification number assigned to your computer when you connect to the internet. This is known as an ‘IP address’ and is automatically logged by our web server and used to facilitate your access to the website. However, we do not use IP addresses to identify visitors to the website. We collect this data simply to monitor overall trends in our site traffic to help us improve the site and deliver a better web experience.

When you send us an inquiry via email, or by filling a form on the website, you may give us personal information about you. This could include your name, your date of birth, your postal address, your email address, and your telephone number.

What we use this information for

Restorative Solutions will only use your personal information collected through this website to respond to your queries, and, occasionally for the purposes of measuring trends in the visitors to our site.

Confidentiality and disclosure

Restorative Solutions does not normally disclose your personal information to third parties except to service providers acting on its behalf under the strictest confidentiality conditions and with your consent. 

We may, however, in exceptional circumstances, give the personal information you supply to us to other agencies without your consent - such as local authorities or the police - to comply with specific legal requirements.

Restorative Solutions will seek your approval first before passing on any relevant information about you. However, should withholding your information result in yourself or anyone else being harmed, as an organisation we would have to pass on the information required by law. In such instance, we will inform you of our intent and make available any information being passed at your request.

Your rights

You have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you, to require that information to be corrected and, in some circumstances, to object to our processing of your personal information. If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have any other questions about this privacy statement, please email

Talk to our Restorative Justice service team in confidence

Email Us

Or call us on 07377 800254

Case Studies

A burglary case in Merseyside

John burgled Lucy’s home when she was outside hanging out her washing. When she came inside, she found him standing in her property. She describe...

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Lydia's Story: Sexual Assault

Lydia was referred to the Restorative Justice service by her Victim Liaison Officer. She was the victim of a prolonged sexual assault at her home 1...

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Street Robbery

Ellis was a long term substance user, who was encouraged by an acquaintance – Mikel - to grab the handbag of a woman they saw in passing.  A...

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Street Robbery

Jemma was referred to Restorative Solutions by Victim Services in July 2019.  She had been the victim of a robbery.  The offender – Ale...

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What People Say About Restorative Justice

The restorative justice process has made me really think about the consequences of my actions.

John, offender

Restorative Justice has really helped. It has given me closure, and I feel much more positive.

Lucy, burglary victim

Now we can get on with our lives without the burden of what happened grinding us down.

Abuse victim

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