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Restorative Justice & Hate Crime

Restorative Justice supports individuals and communities by providing victims of hate crimes and the offenders with the chance to discuss the incident.

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Restorative Justice & Cases of Sexual Abuse

Restorative Justice can be used for any crime where there’s an identifiable victim and offender, including sexual abuse crimes.

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Restorative Justice Outcome Agreements

In this blog we cover what an Outcome Agreement is, how they can be helpful and how they're monitored.

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Restorative Justice Practitioner and Volunteer Wellbeing

Restorative Justice cases can be complex, so it’s important that our team is well-supported. By caring for their own wellbeing, our teams can also better support our service users.

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Why Offender’s Participate in Restorative Justice

In this blog post, we’ll explore why an offender may choose to participate, the positive impact Restorative Justice has on offenders and how it can help reduce reoffending.

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Restorative Justice: A Practitioner’s Perspective

In this blog, we’ll look at a Restorative Justice case from a practitioner’s perspective. Dave had his first experience of implementing Restorative Justice in 2007 and joined the Restorative Solutions team in 2019.

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Restorative Justice Process Infographic

This infographic shows the process of Restorative Justice. Although each case will be different, there are a few steps that our facilitators take to make sure that the victim is comfortable and safe throughout the process.

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What happens in a Restorative Justice meeting?

Meetings can be a part of the Restorative Justice process, a voluntary service that helps victims of crime and offenders to come into communication in a safe, facilitated environment.

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What Are Restorative Justice Services Recording?

Restorative Solutions recently contributed to a peer-reviewed, academic article about Restorative Service providers.

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What is the Restorative Justice Process?

The process of Restorative Justice looks different for everyone, but there are certain steps that are taken in every case to make sure that the victim feels safe, comfortable and empowered throughout their journey.

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Case Studies

A burglary case in Merseyside

John burgled Lucy’s home when she was outside hanging out her washing. When she came inside, she found him standing in her property. She describe...

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Lydia's Story: Sexual Assault

Lydia was referred to the Restorative Justice service by her Victim Liaison Officer. She was the victim of a prolonged sexual assault at her home 1...

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Street Robbery

Ellis was a long term substance user, who was encouraged by an acquaintance – Mikel - to grab the handbag of a woman they saw in passing.  A...

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Street Robbery

Jemma was referred to Restorative Solutions by Victim Services in July 2019.  She had been the victim of a robbery.  The offender – Ale...

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What People Say About Restorative Justice

The restorative justice process has made me really think about the consequences of my actions.

John, offender

Restorative Justice has really helped. It has given me closure, and I feel much more positive.

Lucy, burglary victim

Now we can get on with our lives without the burden of what happened grinding us down.

Abuse victim

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